NRC in Brief

The National Resilience College (NRC) also known as Maktab Ketahanan Nasional (MKN) was established on 31st July 2019. This college offers the continuity of defence studies at grand strategic level. It is designed to provide best practices for the highest level of thinking process in achieving the nations grand interest. NRC is conducting relevant courses as capstone to the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) senior officers of Brigadier General and Colonel in rank or equivalent. The aim of this college is to prepare strategic thinkers of statesman's quality in capable of utilising national power to promote security, stability and prosperity of the nation, region and world. NRC is under command of the National Centre of Defence Studies (NCDS) or Pusat Pengajian Pertahanan Nasional (PUSPAHANAS) which is located at Precint 1 Putrajaya.

Our Commitment

Our Vision & Mission


The centre of excellence for strategic thinkers of statesman’s quality.

NRC aspires to be an institution that provides best practices for highest level of thinking processes in achieving the national grand interest. The product shall be producing wise, rationale, skillful leaders who are well versed in principles on the art of governing.


NRC aspires to be an institution that provides best practices for highest level of thinking processes in achieving the national grand interest. The product shall be producing wise, rationale, skillful leaders who are well versed in principles on the art of governing.

To prepare strategic thinkers & policy entrepreneurs

To make ready for use the existing high level leaders with academic credentials and practitioner's experiences becoming a convincing and reliable strategic thinkers. These individuals shall be able to take opportunities and to influence policy outcomes in order to achieve the best interests of the nation.

Major General Datuk Johnny Lim Eng Seng

About NRC

What is the aim of this college ?

The aim of this college is to prepare strategic thinkers of statesman’s quality in capable of utilising national power to promote security, stability and prosperity of the nation, region and world.

What program design that NRC offers ?

The contents of approximately 52 weeks of coursework and field research and divided into 4 semesters with 1 module per semester as follows:

What is the pre-requisite to join the course?

Must be Senior Officer in Malaysia Armed Forces (MAF), Brigadier General and Colonel in rank or equivalent.

What is the credential achieve after the completion of course ?

The NRC Graduates will be awarded with ‘fellow scholar of NDUM’, which they will be entitled to put on officially at the end of their name.

NRC Emblem


It symbolizes obedience and loyalty to the Yang Di Pertuan Agong and the Nation.


Both of these weapons are used as symbols of heroism. It symbolizes the true spirit of excellence among graduates as they continue to serve with courage in defending the country. In addition, it also reflects the intimate and vibrant spirit of diversity in Malaysia.


The first shield with three-stripes denotes the might of MAF as the nation’s fortress. The second shield represents the support from the diverse backgrounds of graduates. Thus, this double shield carries the aspirations of the armed forces and the people’s resilience ensuring the nation’s survivability and sustainability.


The gear symbolizes the advancement of the regional information and technology industries which is to be at par with global standards.


The geographical factors of Malaysia, located in the heart of the Asia-Pacific Region, are strategically positioned to drive economic growth and regional and global political stability. Niche of NRC is to produce graduates who are strategic minded. The outcome is the ability to use elements of national power to formulate a small state strategy for Malaysia in order to contribute towards security, stability and prosperity of the regional and internationally.


Represents each service within the MAF.


Bestari dan Terbilang (Brilliant and Eminent). These positive word were chosen to stimulate the spirit of high aspirations of the college.